CEK FAKTA! Kembali Ditemukan 'Makam Bayi' yang Diduga Hasil Aborsi di Ponpes Al Zaytun

CEK FAKTA! Kembali Ditemukan 'Makam Bayi' yang Diduga Hasil Aborsi di Ponpes Al Zaytun

Beredar dimedia sosial pihak kepolisian kembali menemukan ribuan makam bayi yang diduga hasil aborsi santriwati Ponpes Al Zaytun, Indramayu-Foto: Tangkapan Layar youtube/@deretanviral-

Circulating on social media, the police have once again discovered thousands of baby graves suspected to be the result of abortions carried out by female students of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu.

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"The community was initially shocked by the discovery of human skeletons at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School," the narrator added.

Previously reported, Pastor Saifuddin Ibrahim, who was once the Head of Public Relations at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, admitted that he was once instructed by Panji Gumilang to transport a body in the middle of the night to a secret location.

Saifuddin Ibrahim's confession stirred up the people of the nation. This is because Saifuddin Ibrahim revealed the fact that he was instructed by Panji Gumilang to transport a body.

Saifuddin Ibrahim stated that not only did he serve as a loyal guardian, but he was also assigned difficult tasks.

BACA JUGA:Terbaru! Ponpes Al Zaytun Punya Ruang Persembunyian Orang Penting di Indoensia, Netizen: Soekarno Ada Disana

Furthermore, a video circulating on social media showed the discovery of hundreds of skulls in a digging site.

One of the skulls found is believed to be that of a missing student of Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu from 10 years ago.

As a result, investigators found hundreds of human skeletons believed to be sacrifices of Panji Gumilang. This naturally caused a sensation in the online world with the discovery of piles of human skulls.

Hundreds of human skeletons were discovered buried at the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu, led by Panji Gumilang, who is now a suspect of religious blasphemy.

BACA JUGA:CEK FAKTA! Ratusan Babi Berada Di Area Ponpes Al Zaytun? Kontroversi Apa Lagi Ini


Unfortunately, this information cannot yet be verified for its accuracy. Considering that there is no official statement from the police regarding the alleged discovery of hundreds of human skulls, believed to be students of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu. *

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