Lagu untuk Palestina We Won’t Forget Nomor Satu di iTunes, Karter Zaher: Ini Pertama Dalam Sejarah

Lagu untuk palestina we won’t forget nomor satu di itunes, karter zaher: ini pertama dalam sejarah. foto: @Karter Zaher/
Unggahan Karter Zaher ini menuai banyak komentar netizen, diantaranya:
@Grace: “Wow! Amazing! We will never forget# free Palestine”
@fey: “Palestine is the real winner, winning every human heart”
@AA: “Great Palestine got to number 1 on song chart. What else palestine got no. 1?“
@JS: The power of music is amazing……keep it up musicians, you all are amazing
@Lanundarat7777: And the Palestinian also the number #1 in the nation heart ..
@captainGPrice: Thank you I’m playing the song ????right now respect Palestine
@Iamislander: Much respect to you guys!! Palestinians thank you all!! We won’t forget!! Never!! Thanks Support the Freedom off Palestine
@Nawel Bed: thanks to the humanity
@amberrawru: Thank you for making and sharing this song
@bpr: winning is best
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