Warga Australia Leo Savant Ikut Perang Bersama Tentara Israel, Bahagia Disana Usai Dapat Tanah Perjanjian 4x6

Zains Waleh (kanan) mengungkapkan bahwa warga Australia Leo Savant (kiri) bahagia usai berperang di Gaza. foto: @Zains Waleh/sumeks.co.--
@Zain Swaleh: I heard that South Africa will be looking to do so if any of their citizens who fought for thr IOF return to the country. I agree
@Los: Saw that and we need to do that as well
@So: Agree, why isn’t illegal for white people to fight for another country? Different rules apply depending on skin colour and religious beliefs
@Zain Swaleh: Certain types of violence have been ‘legitimised’ that of the oppressor. *
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