"Given the closeness between IS and the US, the US may find itself in the same position," komentar akun @Victoria.
(Mengingat kedekatan antara IS dan AS, AS mungkin menemukan dirinya dalam posisi yang sama)
@Elite Animator: The ICJ decision will be political driven, not a legal one. So, let’s see how fair the international legal system turns out to be.
(Keputusan ICJ akan didorong oleh politik, bukan yang legal. Jadi, mari kita lihat betapa adilnya sistem hukum internasional nyatanya).
@aesthetic_fit: The ICJ decision will be political driven, not a legal one. So, let’s see how fair the international legal system turns out to be.
@user783687422186: South África Apartheid failed due to ECONOMIC CRISIS. (Afrika Selatan Apartheid gagal karena KRISIS EKONOMI).
An expert of Wars said that countries will stop supporting Israel once the expenses are too higher!
We need to B0YC0TT Israel products.
(Seorang ahli Perang mengatakan bahwa negara-negara akan berhenti mendukung Israel begitu pengeluarannya terlalu tinggi!
Kita perlu B0YC0TT produk Israel)
@IMMED: You ready to forget all what invited by Jew? (Anda siap untuk melupakan semua yang diundang oleh orang Yahudi?)
@selbyzuma: Thank you to the ANC government under the leadership of President Ramaphosa for fighting for the Palestinian people at ICJ.
@tmaroki: True hero's South Africa From the river to the sea Palestine and the whole world will be free (Pahlawan sejati Afrika Selatan Dari sungai ke laut Palestina dan seluruh dunia akan bebas)
@Mystic melody843: The West has been nothing than an impediment to convivial living among decent humans on earth. The son of British scumbags nd prisoners, Tony Abbott was opposed immigrants.