The chartered vehicle will arrive at the nearest village to the peak of Mount Dempo, called Kampung 4, which can take more than 20 minutes due to the steep and winding road that passes through vast green tea plantations. From there, the hiking process can begin.
BACA JUGA:Mau Staycation? Berikut Tips Hemat Agar Liburan Tidak Bikin Kantong Jebol
With an elevation of 3,159 meters above sea level, this mountain is an active volcano located in Pagaralam City.
The main active feature of this mountain is its crater, which can change colors ranging from gray to blue and dark green.
5. Temam Waterfall
The city of Lubuklinggau is a district-level city located in the westernmost part of South Sumatra Province. It also directly borders Rejang Lebong Regency in Bengkulu Province.
In the city of Lubuklinggau, there are many must-visit tourist attractions, including the As-salam Musi Rawas Grand Mosque, Takli Waterfall, Curug Layang Waterfall, WaterVang Lubuklinggau, and Temam Waterfall.
Temam Waterfall is located in Rahma Village, South Lubuklinggau District, Lubuklinggau City.
This waterfall has a height of 12 meters and a width of 26 meters, with natural rocks and lush green trees surrounding it.
Those are the featured tourist destinations in South Sumatra. In addition to these, there are still many other interesting places to visit. *