Mengapa Pria Inggris Paul Dalton Ini Disebut Sebagai Tukang Cuci Mobil Termahal di Dunia?

Mengapa Pria Inggris Paul Dalton Ini Disebut Sebagai Tukang Cuci Mobil Termahal di Dunia?

Pria Inggris Paul Dalton disebut sebagai tukang cuci mobil termahal di dunia. foto: @ronald.wells2/

@Kalyppo: And he washes one car per year (Dan dia mencuci satu mobil per tahun)

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@Andy Garcia: 250 hours c'mon by the 2nd hour that 1st side has dust again

@Jason Rand743: He doesn’t spend 250 hours he would be making $28 a hour. $7k yes maybe 20 hours (Dia tidak menghabiskan 250 jam dia akan menghasilkan $28 per jam. $7k ya mungkin 20 jam)

@mulengankonde1409: Why should it take 10 days & 10 hours (250 hours) for Paul to wash a single car?!

@Ralph47: All these efforts when rain can wash my car

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@Big Red: it takes around 11 days for a car wash?

@muhumuza160: Can't he reduce for me to wash my Toyota wish car

@C351fast back: these are high end cars. that is cheap depending on the car. He provides high end results. *


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