Kereta di Cina ‘Lebih Cerdas’ dari LRT, Berjalan di Perlintasan Rel Virtual, Namanya Intelligent Rail Transit

LRT lebih cerdas di Cina berjalan tanpa rel, namanya intelligent rail transit mirip bus tapi lebih besar. foto: @Eagle Eye/ --
@OldTimeTough: “In other words you can stop the bus isobg spray paint to cover the white lines it's using lol”.
@paulchong45: “Visual tracking of the marked track, mischievous folks might cover the markings or pait new mark8ngs”
@Wat Everle: “ART, planned in my state, dunno perable or not later on”.
BACA JUGA:Balap Liar Mobil Pajero Sport Vs Ferarri Merah di Bawah LRT Jakabaring Palembang Viral
@bluwhale: “Big deal. we have steam coal powered trains in America”
@Thiên Chương: “which city is this? i want to try one soonest day”
@Stargate SG1: “brillant idea in clean mass transportation”.
("ide brilian dalam transportasi massal yang bersih") *
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