Wanita Ini Bertanya Dimana Pria Maskulin Saat Ini? Masih Adakah Pria Jantan! Jawabannya Bikin Kontroversi

Wanita Ini Bertanya Dimana Pria Maskulin Saat Ini? Masih Adakah Pria Jantan! Jawabannya Bikin Kontroversi

Wanita Amerika ini bertanya dimana pria maskulin saat ini? foto: @theavshowdaily/sumeks.co.--

@DOTH: we are all hiding from crazy ladies

@Dman_Waltz: We still exist. We just have a Single life for a better life.

@Chris Niems: because we want peace

BACA JUGA:Beruntung! 5 Zodiak Ini Mendapatkan Cinta dan Menjadi Dambaan Semua Orang Karena Kebaikan Hatinya

@TERESA: Girl you don’t need a rich man you need to be a rich man

@KD MICHAEL: Don’t answer…let em figure it out on their own.

@Hound Mom: 100 agree with her

@Quino1983: where at work

@Miss miss: I totally agree with her!

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@jessimelon7: America seems to have lost its way in most areas.

(Amerika tampaknya telah tersesat di sebagian besar wilayah)

@nahomie: you are so right there is no good man anymore but if you are and relationship with Jesus christ He will bless with a good man

@maria mendoza: Thank God I got one of those the ones that are the caretaker of women im so blessed for my hubby. I’m on her side obviously

@Leslie Rush: Based on what my hubby says… they’re hiding from their crazy exes.

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