Warga Amerika Ini Heran Toko iPhone di Jepang Tanpa Pengaman, Calon Pembeli Bebas Melihat Barang
Warga Amerika ini heran toko iPhone di Tokyo Jepang tanpa pengaman. foto: @@lukemianiyt/sumeks.co.--
“The amount of trust”, komentar @Claire Denman.
@John Doe: Hmmm I wonder why Europe!? (Hmmm saya bertanya-tanya mengapa Eropa!?)
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@JB | Polisci: Used to be a Visuals Leader at Apple. The devices are paired to a “beacon” that if the devices leaves the radius. It bricks itself and is unusable.
@JIΛFEI : yes but if u take them a alarm will beep
@AdamDaGoat : We all know why it's not in the US. (Kita semua tahu mengapa itu tidak ada di AS)
@Captain: Went to Japan 20 years ago and noticed the same, love the amount of trust. Bikes unlocked cars running I. A parking lot no crime. Good people.
(Pergi ke Jepang 20 tahun yang lalu dan memperhatikan hal yang sama, menyukai jumlah kepercayaan. Sepeda membuka kunci mobil yang berjalan I. Tempat parkir tidak ada kejahatan. Orang-orang baik)
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@plumreeves: Japan’s security system is wireless hahaha
@MonMon25: the iphone in Japan is far more affordable than in my country. (iphone di Jepang jauh lebih terjangkau daripada di negara saya)
@Apple User446793573: What’s the difference? It’s protected against theft so the distrust is the same. Only with different precautions
@kiki: my fear would be picking it up, dropping it and it shatters into millions of pieces
BACA JUGA: UPDATE! Wajib Diketahui Sebelum Membeli Iphone 14 Pro dan 15 Pro, Simak Perbedaan Disini
@carson: They don't have tethers in my store in Canada either
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