"I have so many questions, with all the sanctions how can NK get or build these drones," komentar @Online_Professor.
(Saya punya banyak pertanyaan, dengan semua sanksi bagaimana NK bisa mendapatkan atau membangun drone ini)
@Lionel Ontario: China, Russia, also if I recall, there was multiple North Koreans who where able to inflitrate the U.S. military while Obama/biden and Trump/pence term.
("Cina, Rusia, juga jika saya ingat, ada beberapa orang Korea Utara yang mampu menginflasi militer AS sementara Obama/biden dan Trump/pence istilah")
@Michael goad: Nah there hasn’t been any cases of nk people but there have been of China asking service members to sell info the last few years but the presidents have nothing todo with it.
(Nah belum ada kasus orang nk tetapi ada China yang meminta anggota layanan untuk menjual info beberapa tahun terakhir tetapi presiden tidak melakukan apa-apa dengan itu)
@Lionel Ontario: Thank you that’s why I decided to comment it, the president is not the one responsible for gas prices, it’s your state. Also in Germany gas went up more than the U.S.
(Terima kasih itu sebabnya saya memutuskan untuk mengomentarinya, presiden bukan orang yang bertanggung jawab atas harga gas, itu negara bagian Anda. Juga di Jerman gas naik lebih dari AS)
@Lionel Ontario: Also there has been 3 people who defected to NK, while Obama and or Trump.
@Lionel Ontario: Also, say hi to Jada for me. (You have a Jody at your home)
BACA JUGA:Videografer Senior dan Pilot Drone Bid Humas Polda Sumsel Berpulang, Selamat Jalan Sahabat
@JollofRice: Sanctions are idiocy. (Sanksi itu bodoh)
@Comfort: sanctions only work if the country targeted is corrupt.
(Sanksi hanya berfungsi jika negara yang ditargetkan korup)
@Ernest R: They could look like our drones but do they work like our drones