BACA JUGA:Pencuri iPhone 14 Promax dengan Modus Pura-pura Menolong Korban Kecelakaan Dibui 1,5 Tahun Penjara
@Terry K.: In my country they would be gone before grand opening of the store
@samsung: Samsung also used to do that in canada yorkdle mall but they decided to use like strings to hold them
@Six Penny Joe: I went to Target and an employee yelled at me for trying to pickup an iPhone…
@Dj Medic: yep these other countries really be putting us to shame. there's also some countries where you pump your gas first and then you pay.
(Ya negara-negara lain ini benar-benar membuat kita malu. ada juga beberapa negara di mana Anda memompa gas Anda terlebih dahulu dan kemudian Anda membayar)
BACA JUGA:Yuk Bikin Stiker Ucapan Hari Natal 2023 di WhatsApp Terupdate dari HP Iphone dan PC, Berikut Caranya
@STREAM SWEET VENOM "ENHYPEN": because the jail sentence here is insane i think for stealing you can get to prison up to 24 years i think.
(Karena hukuman penjara di sini gila saya pikir karena mencuri Anda bisa masuk penjara hingga 24 tahun saya pikir)
@anon.4242: High trust society! You cant have that in USA for obvious reasons. (Masyarakat kepercayaan tinggi! Anda tidak dapat memilikinya di AS karena alasan yang jelas). *