Bapak Ini ‘Santai’ Rumahnya Hancur Dibom Israel: ‘Saya Tak akan Pergi dari Gaza, Sebab Kami Pemilik Tanah Ini’

Rabu 22-11-2023,03:08 WIB
Reporter : Julheri
Editor : Julheri

@LeloRural: If we do not grow as people after this do not know what will improve humanity

@Rahmah: The faith, the patience, the resilience, indeed Allah will bring success

@Sawdatu Issah: Strong words

@gretchen: Praying for him

@Peace: Allah with protect you my brother. It’s your land you home 

BACA JUGA:Israel Klaim Tanah Dijanjikan Tuhan, Munyuk Kriting: Tunggu Aja Sampai Janji Dipenuhi, Pake Bunuh Bayi Segala!

@faith: brave people 

@Ragdoll2023: God bless you! 

@elafarkan0: God bless all of you the courage they have should be studied

@S.A: Inshallah you will be victorious! X

BACA JUGA:Oknum Guru Ini Dukung Israel, Panik Saat Jagat Maya Ramai, Buru-buru Bikin Video Dukung Kemerdekaan Palestina

@americankurt: may Allah bless you and bring better for you  amen...

@Mido: This level of iman is unbelievable

@Tshuapu: Their strength is admirable and uplifting to see. I admire them so much.

@maeghani: maasyaaAllooh proud of you palestinians 

BACA JUGA:Israel Klaim Tanah Dijanjikan Tuhan, Munyuk Kriting: Tunggu Aja Sampai Janji Dipenuhi, Pake Bunuh Bayi Segala!

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