Promo Akhir Bulan!, Mihoyo Memberikan Kode Redeem Untuk Seluruh Traveler Ada Item Langka Dark Iron Sword

Rabu 31-05-2023,15:59 WIB
Reporter : Indra
Editor : Rahmat

XT82 F8JZ S4TR  (100x Primogems ,10x Mystic Enhancement Ore)

¬GA9F PD42 SJ4V (x60 Primogems and x5 Adventurer's Experience)

KBRE 7D4KA 2MM (100x Primogems, 5x Hero's Wit)

7S9X 6V4J B2M9 (100x Primogems, 50,000 Mora)

KBR E7D4K A2MM (10x Primogems, 50x Hero's Wit)

2SRK FQ2Y SMVV  (100 primogems, five hero’s wit)

BACA JUGA:Wabup OKU Timur Hadiri Opening Ceremony Sriwijaya Expo 2023 Exhibition

LAQZ MTPK NTYH  (x10,000 Mora, x10 Adventurer's Experience, x5 Fine Enhancement Ore, x5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles and x5 Jueyun Chili Chicken)

7S9X 6V4J B2M9 (100x Primogem, 50,000 Mora)

9ARE 6VLJ T34H (100x Primogem, 10x Mystic Enhancement Ore)

GA9F PD42 SJ4V (50x Adventurer's Experience, 60x Primogems,)

LA9C 3RHP PHQH  (60 primogems and five adventurer’s experience)

SSRC J8HS V7UM  (10 adventurer’s experience, 10k mora, five fine enhancement ore, five fisherman’s toast, and five goulash)

LAQZ MTPK NTYH (10,000 Mora, 10x Adventurer's Experience, 5x Fine Enhancement Ore, 5x Stir-Fried Fish Noodles dan 5x Jueyun Chili Chicken)

BACA JUGA:LKPJ Bupati OKU Timur Tahun 2022 Diterima

LAQZ MTPK NTYH  (10.000 Mora, 10x Adventure Exp, 5x Ore, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles ×5, dan Jueyun Chili Chicken ×5)

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