Wanita Ini Bertanya Dimana Pria Maskulin Saat Ini? Masih Adakah Pria Jantan! Jawabannya Bikin Kontroversi

Kamis 18-01-2024,03:41 WIB
Reporter : Julheri
Editor : Julheri

BACA JUGA:Beruntung! 5 Zodiak Ini Mendapatkan Cinta dan Menjadi Dambaan Semua Orang Karena Kebaikan Hatinya

@TERESA: Girl you don’t need a rich man you need to be a rich man

@KD MICHAEL: Don’t answer…let em figure it out on their own.

@Hound Mom: 100 agree with her

@Quino1983: where at work

@Miss miss: I totally agree with her!

BACA JUGA:Zontes 350E Skutik Asal China Siap Mencuri Hati Pecinta Otomotif Indonesia, Mesin Gahar dan Fitur Canggih

@jessimelon7: America seems to have lost its way in most areas.

(Amerika tampaknya telah tersesat di sebagian besar wilayah)

@nahomie: you are so right there is no good man anymore but if you are and relationship with Jesus christ He will bless with a good man

@maria mendoza: Thank God I got one of those the ones that are the caretaker of women im so blessed for my hubby. I’m on her side obviously

@Leslie Rush: Based on what my hubby says… they’re hiding from their crazy exes.

(Berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan suami saya... mereka bersembunyi dari mantan mereka yang gila).

BACA JUGA:Jangan Khawatir, 3 Zodiak Ini Diprediksi Segera Temukan Cinta Sejati dan Bangkit dari Masa Lalu

@Andy Morgan81: Gen X the only way

@Godblessmerica: And lots were raised by woman and that changed everything

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