@chrislangford56: “Yes but this has a higher passenger capacity and dedicated lanes”
@dnlgrx120: “does bus hv 3 section?”
@Squidster: “Can your bus take 100 passengers?”
@Richard Kujda: “what about snow?”
("bagaimana dengan salju?")
BACA JUGA:Waduh, Feeder LRT Musi Emas Palembang Terancam Stop Operasi, Driver Khawatir Upah Tak Bisa Dicairkan
@whywhy: @whywhy:”In China, usually at five o'clock in the morning, the cleaners clear the snow, and there is no snow in winter”.
(”Di Cina, biasanya pada pukul lima pagi, petugas kebersihan membersihkan salju, dan tidak ada salju di musim dingin”)
@whywhy: @whywhy:”In China, usually at five o'clock in the morning, the cleaners clear the snow, and there is no snow in winter”.
@Sigurdur Gudmundsson: “So no pollution in making this or making the electricity?“
BACA JUGA:Bak Truk Tersangkut di Bawah Stasiun LRT Asrama Haji Palembang, Kok Bisa?
@Mansour Bin Aminu: “Artificial Intelligence at work”
( "Kecerdasan Buatan di tempat kerja")
@OldTimeTough: “In other words you can stop the bus isobg spray paint to cover the white lines it's using lol”.
@paulchong45: “Visual tracking of the marked track, mischievous folks might cover the markings or pait new mark8ngs”
@Wat Everle: “ART, planned in my state, dunno perable or not later on”.